Kansas State +7 2.2% play / Kansas State +240 1% play

We backed Kansas State last week and they came through with an easy cover and outright upset of BAylor.  We know that under Chris Klieman this team is going to play hard, and we also know they are one of the few teams you can guarntee effort, and desire of getting to a bowl game.  Texas is in a weird situation as their dreams were just crushed after losing to Iowa State, which ended their hopes of getting to the Big 12 Title.  We already saw players quit on their team, and many can't blame them as they don't want to get injured as they prep for the NFL draft.  I'm totally against quitting, but I think it's a good inidcator of where Texas is, and it's rumored that their head coach Tom Herman is also out after this year so you just don't know what Texas will be in this game.  I think Kansas State on the money line is live here given the situation.

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